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I am brand new to Fab's AutoBackup, so please excuse me if this is very obvious. How do you create user profiles besides the ones that are listed in the program? For example, I want to back up my downloads to a separate hdd than all the other data in my Windows User Profile. However, from what I can see, the profile I created upon first run wants to put all backups from my profile on the same hdd. Is it possible to create multiple profiles to be able to save backups of specific folders to different hdd's? Or use a single profile to save specific folders to different hdd's?
to be honest, I am not sure I understood what you are meaning here.
Here is how I understand your example: you want to backup your downloads at some place and the rest of data from your user profile somewhere else right?
There is only one folder selectable as storage place for the backups. It is not possible to tell "I want this thing backed up here" and "I want this other thing backed up there".
The only way to do something like that is to make 2 backups (or more depending on how you want to split the items) and change their storage folder at each time.
Another way to do that is to make a script using the bundled command line builder utility.
This tool allows you to create scripts files you can use to automate the backup process.
When you have set it as you wish, save the script where you will find it easily.
Then, if you need to add other settings to it, rigth-click the script file and select "Edit".
Set the command line builder with the new settings you want to add and use the "copy to clipboard". Then add a line to your script and paste the new command line into it. Save the script and you will have to run your backups using that script instead of using the main executable directly.
Here is an example of what you get if you chose to backup everything but the downloads at let's say e:\Backup\MyFiles:
Then, to add a save your downloads at some other place like F:\Downloads_Backup, you will need to add this to the script:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Fab's AutoBackup 6\AutoBackup6.exe" /LANGUAGE="English" /BACKUP /SOURCEDRIVE=C /TO="F:\Downloads_Backup" /SOURCEUSERSNAMES="UserProfileName" /ALWAYSKEEPBOTH /DOWNLOADS
Your understanding of what I'm trying to do is spot on. What I was talking about 'Creating different profiles,' I'll give you an example: My profile is named "David." There are other profiles built into the software such as "Administrator" and "Default Account," and "Guest," etc. What I was asking if I can create a custom profile, name it, then use entirely different parameters for back up the \Downloads folder. I tried it using the built-in "Test User" Profile and it seemed to work, but that's a fairly non-descript name. I could live with simply renaming the built in profiles. Is that possible?
Renaming a profile looks simple but the old path remains. You can create a new one with a more descriptive name from the Windows control panel. What I do not understand is what Fab's AutoBackup has to do in such user profile creation process.
I guess I'm not explaining myself very well. When I first ran Fab's AutoBackup, it created a profile for me, using the parameters that I set in the program. I named it simply, "David," and set the backup parameters for what I wanted to back up and to where. Maybe AutoBackup doesn't call them 'Profiles,' but I'm not talking about a different Windows User name. I'm talking about within the confines of AutoBackup, is there any way to create and save more than one set of parameters so I can go back later and choose, for example, "David's_Downloads" and have the program execute the backup with a set of parameters which were preset (by me) to backup my \Downloads folder to a destination of my choosing. Then with the click of a mouse or a couple of keyboard strokes, switch to a different set of parameters to start the backup of other folders/files.
It's not an overriding issue, but if the function is already built into the program, I'd like to learn to use it. If not, I can learn to use the command line script creator and, using your examples, create a series of different scripts that are specific to the backup task I want to perform. With some programs, I like to make a backup every time I run the program (like Quicken), so if my computer ever goes up in smoke, I'll have a backup of the last transactions I entered into the program. With others, the need for immediate backup is not so great, but still it would be great to just click on a button to make a backup of that particular program or groups of programs rather than having to enter new parameters each time I want to make backups of specific program data.
Sorry to have gotten so wordy, and I do appreciate your responses. They are well thought out and have been very helpful to me. But don't spend a lot of time with this, there is always more than one way to get from here to there and I think you've put me on the right track with the command line editor. Thank you again for your time and expertise.
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