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Im trying to use autobackup6pro in Win8.1SE however it shows up in task manager but nothing else loads.
I have checked the .ini file and the correct order id and customer email address have been put in correctly.
Do you have any idea why this would be happening?
Im running off a 8GB USB 2.0 Drive on a core I5 laptop with 4GB Memory.
Thanking you in Advance
Hi Murray,
Is this a Win8.1SE you built following the tutorial on this forum?
Is it a 32 or 64 bit build?
If you put the Fab's AutoBackup folder on the hard drive and run it from there, are you able to load it?
By the way, Win10PE_SE is mature enough, so, I am writing a new tutorial for it.
For your information, I have updated the tutorial for Win10PE SE:
I also added a part for USB boot media creation.
Then I used my most sluggish USB2 thumb drive as boot media and the program fired up pretty quickly.
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