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#1 2018-03-22 20:13:59

Registered: 2012-08-21
Posts: 52

[SOLVED] HI0 is not a valid integer value

Aloha Fab!

Just ran AutoBackup 7 Pro for the first time. It got most of the way through transferring my customer's data, and then I got an error window


I was doing a "transfer data" from an external drive attached via a USB docking station to the active system which is Windows 10 V1709.  After clicking 'Cancel', the error popup went away, and the AutoBackup window remains, but there is no further data transfer activity occurring.

I can leave this in it's current state for a while if you'd like me to gather any further information, or let me know what else I can do to help with problem determination.


Harry Z

Last edited by HaoleBoy (2018-03-22 20:17:34)


#2 2018-03-22 20:20:29

Registered: 2011-05-11
Posts: 1,308

Re: [SOLVED] HI0 is not a valid integer value

This kind of error has been reported to me while the program was in beta test.
I have never been able to reproduce the problem but I thought I got it anyway. Obviously, I was wrong.
I will do my best to solve this as soon as possible. I am starting right now



#3 2018-03-22 21:06:23

Registered: 2011-05-11
Posts: 1,308

Re: [SOLVED] HI0 is not a valid integer value

Can you test a new build right now?
I have sent a download link to a test version.
Let me know if it solves this issue running the very same job.
If so, I will release it as an update.



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