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I have Fab's Autobackup on my desktop computer. If I run the app it immediately tells me if there is an update. I have Fab's also in a folder on a USB flash drive and a portable SSD connected via USB. If I run Fab's from either of these two devices it has no indication that there is any update at all. Any other reports of this behavoir when running Fab's Autobackup Pro from external drives on Windows10 Pro 1909?
There's not such a limitation for external devices. At startup, the program copies the autobackup.ini file to %tmp% folder. Perhaps there is still one there when you run the other copies. If that's the case, delete that %Tmp%\autoabackup.ini file and try again.
I emptied out all of the files in the %tmp% folder started up AutobackUp on an external hard drive that is way out of date and no indication there is any update available.
What happens if you copy your Fab's folder to local drive and start it?
I've another idea : there can be a setting that prevents Fab's from checking for updates in the autobackup.ini file:
If you have such a value, change it to this :
[ Generated in 0.038 seconds, 8 queries executed - Memory usage: 527.34 KiB (Peak: 543.46 KiB) ]