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I'm running into a problem where, when we restore a backed up profile, all of the files are owned by the Administrator or whatever user the UAC runs as. How do you get around this? Is there a setting I need to check?
If this isn't built-in, I may have to write a script to do this since it does get annoying. Thanks!
Thanks for reporting this. I'll look at it and fix it ASAP
I've found something. It happens when restoring from local media (hard drive or USB stick) right ?
I've added some instructions that will set ownership if the user account used to run the program is different from the target user profile. That will slow down a bit the restore process, especially when dealing with lots of small files but at least, you will not have to write a script that could also change file timestamps while setting ownership.
This will be in the next update.
Yes from a local disk, USB or NAS. That's fantastic. Thank you very much.
Ok, NAS as well, so I'm not done yet since network copy uses another method. It's gonna be a bit harder then
I'll defer to your knowledge on this one. If I can help test, please let me know I appreciate your work.
I've put ownership instructions in another part of the code and results are pretty good.
Is there a changelog for each version somewhere? I'd like to reference it. Thanks again for everything!
Yes there is:
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