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#1 2022-04-25 16:26:38

Registered: 2013-04-30
Posts: 22

Sent 2 machines out, and owners are stating their files are 0kb files?

Sent 2 machines out, and owners are stating their files are 0kb files?

Just started using the newest version (clean install, not an upgrade), and I have 2 different clients calling back stating the files are on the new machines. However they are 0kb and wont open?

Anything with the new platform, or changes I need to make ?  Been using Fab forever and always been great.  Set to run as administrator in properties as always.


#2 2022-04-25 22:31:36

Registered: 2011-05-11
Posts: 1,307

Re: Sent 2 machines out, and owners are stating their files are 0kb files?

I guess these files were stored on OneDrive or Dropbox right? Nowadays, OneDrive enables  the "files on demand" feature. It means that the files are online (on the "cloud") only and not physically on the drive. When Fab's try to backup them using other credentials than current user account or from a hooked drive, it will throw warnings about that and copied files could be 0kb since they could not be downloaded from the cloud. I guess this is what happened here.



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